Liquid Aeration

Liquid vs Core aeration?

Both types of aeration increase the movement of air, water and nutrients into the soil.

Core aeration is the tried and true method that has been used for many years. Cores of soil are removed from your lawn and deposited on top of the grass. This creates thousands of holes in the lawn that will reduce compaction, help with drainage and allow easy access directly to the root system. The negatives of core aeration include: requiring utilities lines, dog fences and irrigation lines to be marked, cores are left on the ground until a few rain falls (can be muddy if you have pets/kids in the lawn) and more costly service. The benefit is there is an instant reduction in compaction the day of completion.

Liquid aeration is based on new technology. Instead of manually making holes in the lawn, we can do this through science by spraying certain products on the lawn. This custom blend of humic acid, fulvic acid and other bio-stimulants work to create micro-fractures in the soil. No need to worry about cut utility lines or the mess of cores everywhere. This option also has a lower price tag than core aeration because it is less labor intensive. The results are long lasting but a little slower to work than core aeration. Click below to improve your soil today!
