Prevent GRUBS for the next year.

Why should I care about grubs?
All lawns have grubs present but too many can mean trouble.  Grubs feed on the roots of your grass.  Larva hatch around August 1st and feed until going deeper in the soil for the winter.  They continue feeding next spring and repeat the cycle.  By targeting the grubs now, we can prevent them through next summer.
What is the cost?
One additional application at your regular price.  This will be added to your next scheduled visit.

What about Moles?
Grubs are a food source for moles among other things like earthworms, slugs and centipedes.  Grub prevention does not guarantee that you won’t have moles, but it can make your lawn less appetizing.  If you currently have moles in your lawn, we recommend calling the Moleliminator at 834-6653 for trapping.

SUMMER UPDATE:  What is my next normal lawn treatment for?
Summer time is when grassy weeds start to thrive.  Nutsedge, johnsongrass, spurge and any other visible weeds will be treated next.  Remember to raise your mowing height to 4 inches for summer!
